Friday, October 22, 2010

Properties of the Sun Lab

1. They move to the east, indicating that the sun rotates counter clockwise.

They both rotate counterclockwise. The earth rotates counterclockwise in a counterclockwise orbit around the sun, which also rotates counterclockwise.
A possible reason could be that the sun and earth came from the same original source, but developed differently.

3. Image scale: 1.4mil/424px, or 3301.89 km/pixel.
4. It moved 49 pixels.
5. 162,321 km. (plug and chug, huhuhuhu.)
6. P (days)/1 day = 2pi7mil/162,321 = 27 P (days).
7. 49 pixels within about 4 pixels... 4/49 = 8% error.
8. 27 days, +/- 2 days. (0.08 x 27 = 2.16)


1. Done.
2. Image scale: 14,737 km per px. (1.4 mil/95px)
3. 16 pixels, or 235,792 km
4. 18.7 pixels, or 275,582 km
5. 275,582 - 235,792 = 39,790 km change in height.
6. 14 hours and 53 minutes. : )
7. 1672 mph. (39,790km/893 mins ====> 44.56km/1 min ====> 2673.6 km/1 hour.
2673.6 km = 1671 mi, so 1672 mph.) It's really fast.. at least 4 times greater than a commercial jet, and at least 2 times the speed of sound.


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