PANEL 1: Mostly short wavelengths- a very hot star, with the peak of the curve around the violet-blue area. There are absorption lines to the longer wavelengths side.
PANEL 2: Max temperature at the far end of the spectrum on the short side, with many absorption lines to the right, near the longer wavelengths again. This looks like its a very very hot star as well. The curve is not really a bell-shaped one because it just stars at the highest point and goes down.
PANEL 3: A LOT of absorption lines at the longer-wavelength side, lots of dips, peaks around 4000, so it's pretty hot again... and will glow blue. XD
PANEL 4: Steep slope peaking at 4000, will glow blueish, some absorption lines at the longer wavelength side.
PANEL 5: Somewhat of a peak around 6000, some absorption lines in the longer wavelength side, lots of irregularity in the curve.. hard to tell exactly where the peak is at.
PANEL 6: Very high temperatures for the top star, peak around 4500, absorption lines to the right near the longer wavelength side.
OVERALL: the lines vary in depth and proximity, but all of the graphs have absorption gaps/lines to the longer-wavelength side of the spectrum. They usually peak before 6000, and some start lower and go higher, or start from higher and just go down in a curve.
2. A: 4 B: 3 F: 1 K: 6 M: 2 O: 5
3. PANEL 1: 4200 apprx | PANEL 2: 3600 apprx | PANEL 3: 4100 apprx | PANEL 4: 3950 apprx | PANEL 5: 5950 apprx | PANEL 6: 4500 apprx.
4. Hottest: Panel 2 | Coolest: Panel 5 (or 1.)
Panel 2, panel 3, panel 6, panel 4, panel 1, panel 5.
5. Nope, they are not the same. M, B, K, A, F, O. (Not sure if I understand what they're asking here.)
Let me know when you finish this so I can grade.